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Allergen free products produced by "La Unión 1890"

  1. Acorn-fed Iberian Ham 50% Iberian Race

    Acorn-fed Iberian Ham 50% Iberian Race

    3 Review(s)

    Special Price: 325,00 €

    Our Acorn-fed Iberian Hams are made in north-western highlands of Andalusia,  (south of Spain) by experts following handmade traditional procedures passed from one generation to another in this centenarian company. Its slow and long natural curing in warehouses, as well as the special environment of the  mountains, provide the ham with a high quality and... Learn More
  2. Field-fed Iberian Ham 50% Iberian Race

    Field-fed Iberian Ham 50% Iberian Race

    3 Review(s)

    Special Price: 244,99 €

    Our Field-fed Iberian Hams are made by experts following handmade traditional procedures passed from one generation to another in this centenarian company. Its slow and long natural curing in warehouses, as well as the special environment of the  mountains, provide the ham with a high quality and an exquisite bouquet, which are unique in the world. Learn More
  3. Iberian Cebo Ham 50% Iberian Race

    Iberian Cebo Ham 50% Iberian Race

    3 Review(s)

    Special Price: 168,00 €

    Its slow and long curing in the north-western highlands of Andalusia, cradle of the best Iberian Ham in the world, whose unique weather conditions contribute to a special curing, provides the Iberian Cebo Ham with its own aroma, taste and personality, guaranteeing our pieces have an exquisite bouquet and an exceptional quality. Learn More
  4. Gran Reserve Female Ham

    Gran Reserve Female Ham

    3 Review(s)

    Special Price: 145,00 €

    Our Gran Reserve Female Ham presents a high quality and an exquisite flavour, with which you will be pleasingly surprised. It has its own personality, which characterises long-term natural curing products. Learn More
  5. Acorn-fed 100% Iberian Shoulder

    Acorn-fed 100% Iberian Shoulder

    3 Review(s)

    Special Price: 125,90 €

    Its sweet and intense flavour makes of our Acorn-fed Iberian Shoulder a complete delight for all the most demanding palates. Its aroma is nice and subtle. When being cut, its colour is intense and uniform, embellished by its combined characteristic stripes of fat which provide juiciness and flavour. The special weather of the norht-western highlands of... Learn More
  6. Field-fed Iberian Shoulder 50% Iberian Race

    Field-fed Iberian Shoulder 50%...

    4 Review(s)

    Special Price: 81,90 €

    Its sweet and intense flavour makes of our Field-fed Iberian Shoulder a complete delight for all your senses. Its aroma is nice and subtle. When being cut, its colour is intense and uniform, embellished by its combined characteristic stripes of fat which provide juiciness and flavour. The special  weather of the north-western highlands of Andalusia, and... Learn More
  7. Iberian Cebo Shoulder 50% Iberian Race

    Iberian Cebo Shoulder 50% Iberian Race

    1 Review(s)

    Special Price: 69,00 €

    The Iberian Cebo Shoulder is characterised by its sweet and intense flavour which makes of it a complete delight for all the most demanding palates. Its aroma is nice. When being cut, its colour is intense and uniform, and its texture is juicy. The special weather of noth-western highlands of Andalusia, is the best guarantee of its extraordinary quality... Learn More
  8. 100 g. packaging of hand-cut Iberian Cebo Ham 50% Iberian Race

    100 g. packaging of hand-cut Iberian...

    4 Review(s)

    Special Price: 8,50 €

    Hand-cut upon request by professional ham cutters when the ham is at its optimum curing and quality point. The packagings are vacuum packed so that they can preserve the aroma and taste of the knife-cut ham. Learn More
  9. Acorn-fed 100% Iberian Loin

    Acorn-fed 100% Iberian Loin

    2 Review(s)

    Special Price: 31,90 €

    Our Acorn-fed Iberian Loin is made from select acorn-fed Iberian loin. Its pleasant and nice aroma, as well as its unique and fine taste, make of our acorn-fed Iberian loin a real gastronomic delicacy. Enjoy a real pleasure for the palate with our Acorn-fed Iberian Loin and a bit of bread. Learn More
  10. Cured Acorn-fed Iberian Bacon

    Cured Acorn-fed Iberian Bacon

    1 Review(s)

    Special Price: 3,77 €

    The cured Iberian bacon of La Unión de Jabugo is perfect to be enjoyed sliced without cooking or as part of some traditional stews to which it can add its intense flavour and its rich natural nutrients. Learn More
  11. Homemade Iberian Chorizo “Sarta”

    Homemade Iberian Chorizo “Sarta”

    1 Review(s)

    Special Price: 4,99 €

    Vacuum-packed Homemade Iberian Chorizo “Sarta” in the traditional form of a “horseshoe”. Product of ideal quality to be eaten cooked or as an ingredient of a stew. Learn More
  12. Spicy Iberian Chorizo “Bolita” 1st curing

    Spicy Iberian Chorizo “Bolita” 1st...

    1 Review(s)

    Special Price: 4,95 €

    This cold meat is ideal to be eaten on the barbecue where its special slightly spicy seasoning and its Iberian composition will make you enjoy a high quality product with a unique flavour. Learn More